N. 20/05/1942
M. 06/07/2023

E' mancata all'affetto dei suoi cari

Servizio funebre a cura di Onoranze Funebri RALLI

I saluti a MARIA

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Laura Jones 8 mesi fa

We were extremely sad to hear of the news of Maria's passing. We have very fond memories of the years visiting Porelli as a family, and now with our own children. Maria and Pepino have always featured heavily in our thoughts, and will continue to. Such a lovely lady who always made us feel so welcome. She will be deeply missed.
Love from the Jones/Bound/Conti family in Builth Wells (Wales)

Marino Lusardi 9 mesi fa

Condoglianze ai famigliari. Marino lusardi


Un forte abbraccio a Roberto e Silvana. Le più sentite condoglianze a tutta la famiglia. Rita e Michela.

Montagna 2000 S.p.A. Servizio Idrico Integrat 9 mesi fa

L'amministratore unico di Montagna 2000, Alessandro Berzolla, insieme alle colleghe e ai colleghi tutti, porge le più sentite condoglianze al collega Roberto Conti per la perdita della cara mamma.

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